SiteForm's Path
in Construction Innovation

We've been in your boots, and we're here to help.

Trusted by the industry

From Imagining to Building the Dream

Andrew Barker, a former construction project manager, knows all too well the struggle with endless tasks and paperwork. Frustrated with outdated methods, he left his job to create a solution. This led to the birth of SiteForm, driven by real-world experience and a passion to improve the industry for professionals like you.

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The Spark

Frustrated with the inefficiencies in construction management, Andrew conceives the idea for SiteForm.

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SiteForm Launches

We release the first version of SiteForm and welcome our very first client, marking the beginning of our practical impact in the industry.

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Growth and Recognition

Our team grows, we add more features to SiteForm, and word starts spreading. Clients begin recommending us, signaling our growing influence.

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Stepping Into the Spotlight

We're not just improving – we're innovating. SiteForm optimizes its features and starts gaining significant interest in the construction industry.